Online Security Tips to Keep Cybercriminals at Bay

Like locking your front door to keep a burglar from breaking in by enforcing your online security practices is the best way to keep cybercriminals away from your personal information as well as your money. We’ve put together a comprehensive online safety guide with cybersecurity best practices and tricks to help you develop cyber-safe habits.

- Make sure to secure all of your devices (computers phones, tablets, and smartwatches, as well as TVs) with strong passwords and make two-factor authentication it is available to secure your accounts and stop hackers from gaining access to your sensitive information, even if they know your password. Install updates as quickly as you can on all your devices, particularly if they contain security upgrades that are important. You can also program your software to update automatically, so you don’t miss an important security update.

Beware of using public wifi networks to browse or shop online, as they are usually more vulnerable and can make you open to data breaches and attacks. Use a VPN or private WiFi to ensure that your connection is secured. Avoid sharing your login information or personal details on social media. Also, be careful about sharing your personal information via messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram. Be cautious when downloading files from sites you aren’t confident in, and always look for the padlock symbol or “https” at the beginning of the site’s address to verify that it’s secured.

Lock or log out of your computer if you need to go away for a moment particularly if it’s a shared computer in a public place or office. It’s recommended to save your data in order that you are able to access it should your device be lost or suffers an attack from malware.
